Love, Loss and the Legacy that Embraces Us!

In My Dreams, I Do

Two sisters escape the only by the mind.

I'm Not Gone...I'm the Star

What happens to loved ones no longer with us on this earth? They never really leave us.

It's Me...the Man in the Moon

Loved ones come and go, but they're never gone. They continue on our journey.

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Who are you

Author, Coach and Consultant Linda Saran has witnessed her life principle—“to make a joyful difference in the lives of those she touches”—empower others to progress on their journeys. Whether seeking a path or scaling a summit, it’s been said that Linda is the “sherpa” you want as a guide along the way. Linda has been blessed by her own host of guides, husband, family and friends, as she continues to navigate her own calling in this life.

Throughout a 30-year marketing communications career spanning the corporate and nonprofit sectors, Linda has honed executive coaching, leadership, managerial, presentation, training, strategic planning, time management and event planning skills.